Association Membership
VCOPPA was established as a Coalition of associations, giving voice to as many private providers as possible. Our association members are our core members and VCOPPA is always ready to expand the diversity of our provider membership further by encouraging new associations to become involved and consider VCOPPA membership.
If a prospective association meets the following criteria, the association is eligible for membership with VCOPPA:
- The association’s mission supports the mission and intent of VCOPPA and whose member agencies provide services to at-risk children, youth and their families in Virginia.
- The association has submitted:
(1) the completed membership application form
(2) the required attachments (By-laws, mission statement, brochure, web-site address, contact list of their membership)
(3) $3,000 dues for their first year of membership
(4) two professional references, one of which must be a VCOPPA member and one from a member of their association.
Sustaining Membership
In response to organizations wishing to have a more direct role in the work of the Coalition, VCOPPA created a level of membership that would help sustain it’s mission. This membership level, Sustaining Membership, is open to individual organizations that support the mission and intent of VCOPPA and want to provide a direct financial contribution to enable VCOPPA to continue its work. The benefits of Sustaining Membership include:
- Be advised of all VCOPPA Meetings and encouraged to attend to provide their input.
- Be eligible to have representatives participate on VCOPPA committees.
- Be eligible to have representatives appointed to state workgroups and commissions.
- Be eligible to have representatives elected as an At-Large Director the VCOPPA Board of Directors.
- Be on any mailing list established by VCOPPA and will receive all e-mail alerts, reports, etc., that are sent to the Association representatives that comprise the VCOPPA Board.
- Be entitled to any discounts offered to member Associations (e.g., registration for Symposia, conferences, etc.)
- Be included in promotional materials developed by VCOPPA.
- Participate in legislative networking events organized by VCOPPA.
VCOPPA also has the Affiliate level of membership that is open to organizations who wish to learn more about VCOPPA. It carries all the benefits of Sustaining Membership except its representatives are not eligible to serve on the VCOPPA Board of Directors.
Membership Application Process
To apply for membership into VCOPPA, please mail a completed copy of the membership application and appropriate dues payment to the VCOPPA office at 919 East Main Street, Suite 1150, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
All membership applications MUST be accompanied by a signed Code of Ethics policy. Once applications are received, the Membership Chairman will be in touch with you regarding the rest of the membership process. Applicants should be prepared to provide a reference from an existing VCOPPA member. Applicants will be given an opportunity to attend and present their organization at a VCOPPA Board of Directors meeting.
Within 90 days of receipt of the application for membership, attachments, references and applicable dues, the materials will be distributed to the Executive Committee for Association Membership applicants or the Membership Committee for Sustaining and Affiliate Membership applicants.
Based on the written materials, the Executive Committee or Membership Committee shall make a recommendation to the Board. The motion for acceptance must carry by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.
The association or organization will be contacted within three (3) working days of the Boards decision.
VCOPPA Membership Application (click to download)